Hi, I'm [Hoanh](https://hoanhle.github.io/). Welcome! This is my digital garden where I explore and share my notes on the many intricacies of our world.
Some things about me:
- I like learning and creating new things, especially with people who see beauty in their subject.
- I'm currently working at a computer vision unicorn in Zurich, Switzerland, while doing research at a visual computing lab in Helsinki, Finland. My specific research interests: _Interpretable and Controllable Generative Modeling, Foundation Models, and Efficient Deep Neural Networks_.
- My personal philosophy has changed drastically over the past decade. My current world view is a synthesis of ideas from [Visakan Veerasamy](https://x.com/visakanv), [Andrej Karpathy](https://karpathy.ai/), [John Carmack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Carmack), and [Steve Jobs](https://stevejobsarchive.com/book).
Check out my [reading](https://hoanhle.github.io/bookshelf/), [writing](https://hoanh.substack.com/), and [deep dives](https://hoanhle.github.io/blog/).